Sunday, September 24, 2006

Our Playthings

We have culled all of the plastic toys from our house. The only toy that has a specific function that remains available to Dylan is his Thomas Train set. This is in the garage, and he asks for it every few days. When he asks for it, he plays with it for about an hour! He never used to do that. He used to just throw all of his toys around, skip from one thing to the next, it was like he didn't know what to play with!

Our new playthings:

  • Shells, pinecones and stones
  • Redwood staffs and arches that we found in the Sequoia Park, cut and sanded smooth with Daddy's help this weekend.
  • "Redwood Rounds," (term coined by Jupe) that are slices from Redwood branches of different widths.
  • a "knot" doll for Molly and a "rag" doll for Dylan, made by mama.

**Photos to come**

So far, Dylan loves the new playthings, he has shown so much imagination in the last week or so with these things! He hasn't asked for ONE of the missing toys except for the Thomas Train. Acutally, he hasn't asked for that in a few days...I'm curious to see if he will miss them or continue to find new things to do with his new toys that teach.

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